Kakara O Te Waonui Values:
- We believe that the great forest of Tane is the store-cupboard, the fridge and the medicine cupboard of Ngati Rereahu, Ihingarangi, and out into greater Maniapoto.
- We hold to the ideal that the basics of life, food, medicine, water and energy, should be free.
Our Purposes:
- Work in conjunction with other Rereahu ropu in the rejuvenation of the Rereahu, Ihingarangi forests surrounding Te Pureora O Kahu and out to Te Pou-a-kani.
- Re-establishing Te Nehenehenui, the Great Rain Forest of Maniapoto – relinking of our forests to that of southern Maniapoto
- Raise support for and implement schemes on behalf of our tribes that work towards an energy-free rohe by implementing the means to harness energy from Tamanuitera (the sun) and from Tawhirimatea (the wind).
- To establish food forests around the towns and village areas of Rereahu and Ihingarangi.
- To disseminate again the knowledge’s and technologies of foresting from rejuvenation to maintenance as our ancestors did for centuries.